Various improvements

EEC Documentation

Various improvements

  • SELECT keyword takes any expression, not just variables. Expression is only evaluated once.

  • CASE in normal SELECT statement now also supports multiple matches like this:
     SELECT x
        CASE 1,2,x
        CASE a,b,BLA
  • EXIT keyword now works in all four loop constructs.

  • ”::” (pointertyping) now also works on variables, indirect longs (ptr[]::) and arrays (object::).

  • Unification accepts right-hand list typed as :LONG. Only difference is no list-len-comparison is done and so, “exp” could be just any piece of memory.

  • ”(“ “)” grouping is allowed in constant expressions.

  • Typed immediate (and static) lists always allocates whole object(s) and clears fields not used.

  • Global ARRAYs and OBJECTs are cleared with zeroes.

  • Local librarybases is possible. Just define it locally with same name.

  • This does not compile with EC/CreativE, but does with ECX. “x OP -y” where OP is math/bitwise/comparison operator.

  • Usage of {} around code labels has been relaxed. From now a code label represents its own address without the need for {} around it.

  • With EC/CreativE you cannot just use (without DEFining it) globals exported from another module unless you do it from main source. With ECX you can.

  • * and / operators are fully 32bit on all targets.

  • Indexing ([]) an object-pointer with a negative value does not work with EC/CreativE because index is treated as unsigned. ECX treats index as signed.

  • Objects can now inherit from multiple parents. Just separate parent names with comma “,”. Only the first parent may contain methods though.

  • RAISE directive now also handles procedures. Procedure must be from a module though. For procedures in same source better to let it raise its own exception.

  • Abs and Not are now unary operators instead of built-in functions. It is fully backwards compatible, but means that there is no need for Abs64 and Not64 in 64bit integer mode. Abs() even works in float mode, so Fabs() is not needed anymore but kept for compatibility. Abs and Not also works in constant expressions.

  • SIZEOF extensions. Besides SIZEOF object there is now also: SIZEOF {variable} get size of variable (4 or 8, 0 for array) SIZEOF variable[] get size of one element of pointer/array SIZEOF (array) get total size of array in bytes (0 for non array). Note that STRING type includes nil-term SIZEOF (static) Like above but for STATIC data.

  • Initialisation for private globals in modules. Init values and global arrays possible: DEF xxx=12, yyy[100]:ARRAY, etc