
EEC Documentation


Hardcoded limits:

Maximum values:

  • globals number of global variables in application (private+public) 4000..8000 total size of global data *
  • immediate
    • number of entries for an immediate list: 32767 (checked)
    • max length of one immediate string: 16000
    • total length of one continued immediate string (“+”): 16000
  • static
    • max length of one immediate string: 16000
    • total length of one continued immediate string (“+”): 16000
    • number of list entries / total list size *
  • arrays
    • number of elements in one array: 32767 (checked)
    • total size of one local array: <32k (checked)
    • total elements of one global array: 32767 (checked)
    • total size of one array inside object: <32k (checked)
  • procedures / methods
    • number of arguments: 255
    • number of local variables / procedure: 4000..8000
    • size of procedure local data: 32k (checked) *size of procedure code: min 32k (checked)
  • internal functions
    • number of arguments to WriteF(), StringF() etc.: 1024
  • objects
    • number of members in one object: 2048
    • number of methods in one object: 2048
    • size of one object: 32k (checked)
  • assembler
    • length/size of CHAR/INT/LONG/INCBIN data declarations *
  • preprocessor
    • size in bytes of of macro body before/after expansion: 16000 (checked)
    • number of fixed arguments for macro: 16 (checked)
    • number of variable arguments for macro *
    • macro nesting - (stack checked)
  • misc
    • identifier length in characters 255
    • number of modules used in one application *
    • size of ascii source *
    • number of lines in ascii source *
    • width of one line: 1000 tokens *total length of a continued (“+”, “,”, “(“, etc)) line *
    • codesize of one module 16M
    • codesize of executable 32M

* : No real limit (to my knowledge :-)). Available memory will most likely be the ultimate limit.